Thursday, October 16, 2008



So a couple days ago I took the arts ministry of Campus Crusade For Christ to DC for some fellowship. There were a total of seven of us, which at first didn't seem like a lot but in hindsight was the perfect number. While there, being the photographer I am, i brought my camera to take pictures. I just bought my new Canon 40D and I have been trying to take advantage of every opportunity to use it. This time in DC i took a different approach to taking the pictures. I normally like to have everything composed well and organized before I shoot but i decided against that in exchange for candid, off-the-cuff shots. A lot of them were not framed well and were more abstract, which I actually ended up liking. I think I came away with a few good ones and may try this style of shooting again....and by 'may' I mean definately.

Click Here to
to see the rest of the photos!