Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hi/Low Art: Intorduction

This article was an interesting one. The whole issue of selling out is a very big one among art forms these days. No these Pueblo women have been creating their pottery for years and make some great work. It has been like a tradition that these women have. To them it has been a craft and something they all do. Then came Maria Martinez and changed the whole outlook and personality of pottery working. When Maria started making her pottery and selling it for profit, she went against the norm and basically sold out. Now there are two sides to this argument. One, selling out byt making money off your work is generally looked at as a bad thing because the art is made with less heart because the mindset is to create something people will buy and not something that comes straight from the heart. On the other hand selling out is pretty much the end all success story of an artist. Basically even if you believe it or not it is always in the back of artists heads becasue the goal is always to make money.