Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Thanksgiving


It's November 27 and it is Thanksgiving again. It's all too common for Thanksgiving to come around every year without us even taking a couple seconds to think about what we are thankful about. Isn't that the whole point of this holiday? Isn't that what the pilgims did when the established themselves here?


This year I have learned a lot, whether it be through classes at GMU, through talks i've heard at church, or just from people in my life. I am incredibly thankful for that. I am thankful that people go out of their way to invest in me. I am thankful I am receiving a good education and able to afford it. My family and I are in good health, this I am thankful for. I live with 3 great guys and i'm thankful. Got my car fixed, thankful. I'm being given amazing opportunities when it comes to my photography and design. I'm meeting new people. I'm so blessed, and I am thankful for that.

I am thankful for all that God is doing in my life and how he is transforming me into someone that reflects him. Everyday He teaches me something new. He is constantly building my character. I am learning a lot about patience and what that looks like biblically.

I think it is important for us to recognize this holiday and not let it pass by like every other holiday that we take for granted. Let us focus on the important issues rather than the materialistic aspects that are always on the forefront.